Start-Up Exhibition

Start-Up Exhibition:
The Start-Up Exhibition gives innovators the opportunity to have a dedicated, branded presence in the networking area for the duration of the event, highly visible and ideal for meetings. Founders generate new connections among the investment and global animal agtech community, and are positioned as key innovators in the sector.

Start-Up Exhibitors: 

Photo showing networking in the start-up exhibition area at Animal AgTech

Start-Up Showcase

Photo of a start-up pitching session on stage at Animal AgTech

This is a great opportunity for selected early to mid-stage livestock and dairy companies to showcase their game-changing technology solution to our audience of international animal agtech business leaders, technology integrators and VC investors.

Each company presents a snapshot of their solution, highlighting the most innovative aspects of their technology and business model, and outlining their go-to-market strategy. They then take questions from our panel of investor “sharks” and from our audience.

Raise Your Profile

Pre-Event Promotion:
Corporate Profile: A 50-word company profile and logo featured on the event website.

Social Media Coverage: Announcements of your involvement to our social media network and marketing materials provided for use on your own channels.

Press Release: Featuring all start-ups published on the summit website and distributed to trade media

Summit Passes: Two delegate passes to attend the summit and take advantage of networking opportunities.

Access and Support: Set up face-to-face meetings with delegates, sponsors and speakers via 1-1 meetings in-person or via our virtual summit platform.


“It was a very productive conference with many highly valuable connections made. We recommend any group working in animal agtech attend this event in the future.”

Join our Start-Up Community

Join our community of successful start-ups who have showcased at Animal AgTech Innovation Summits, including:

Start-up ecosystem featuring logos of companies that have presented at Animal AgTech in the past